$97.00 USD

Attract potential clients to you. Plus, re-engage and create the buzz across social media with one month-at-a-time strategic content, including the magic words to use all you need to do is add the image or video.

Holiday Selling For Direct Sellers - Lifetime

LIFETIME ACCESS to 5 days of live training to help you have an awesome Holiday Selling Season & boost your sales like never before!

Get strategies, tactics, and tools you can use RIGHT NOW to INCREASE YOUR INCOME & GAIN CLIENTS FOR LIFE.

14-Day Access November 27th through December 10th:

  • Live Training Sessions: 5 Days of Proven Sales Strategy and Systems Revealed
  • Q & A with Erika V: Engage in interactive sessions with Erika Vassell and get answers to all your burning questions.
  • Course Materials: 70 + page workbook
  • Bonus Cash back bucks and how to hold an online and in person event for those registered by 11/25


Day 1: Create Packages for Higher Sales

Day 2: Sell way more by adding value added bonuses

Day 3: Future Income with Sessions

Day 4: Gain new clients simply

Day 5: Using Envelopes to Increase Sales and Gain New Clients

BONUS: 6th Strategy when you register by Friday, November 24, 2023

What People Are Saying:

I have had success in Erika's course. I have only completed one so far but my business is being blessed by it! She had no nonsense way about her way of explaining her process! This has been a game changer!


I have been in sales for 20 years and my mind has been altered forever!! Her #blessingmethod has started a journey in my business that I would have never known about had I not taken her courses. This course has given me the confidence to show up differently online. Also, in how to run my business my way and not anyone else's. She has turned everything upside down in my mind but I absolutely needed it to grow!


Erika V is an amazing trainer. Her #blessingmethod really resonates with me . The surveys have clarified how I work with my clients and have made it so much simpler to give prescriptive suggestions without overwhelming people!


I took this class to improve my sales and this class has definitely helped me increase my sales and overcome objections!! I love how Erika V is so great at helping you work the problem and determines solutions!! She's great and I look forward to taking other classes with her!!


You have given me new energy for my business! I’ve spent too much money on programs that just didn’t lay it out so simply. Thank you.


I use Blessing Method. It's a recipe. It's made a huge difference in my business. It's a proven system that works.


Does it work?? Absolutely!! I got 12 people to stop and spin my wheel. I sent out messages to all 12 asking If I could send them my prize claim form. I had 5 respond in the first 20 minutes. I have done events for years without getting this positive feedback. Thank you so much Erika V.
